viernes, 12 de septiembre de 2008

once upon a time, there was a little prince. He lived in a very big castle in his wonderful kingdom, with all the luxuries that you could ever imagine. But a day, He died. This would be the easiest way to tell the story, for sure, and if not the easiest one, at least the most romantic.

Sometimes, the most expressive words are those we don’t say and that was what killed the little prince. He wasn’t used to speak his mind, to let his feelings show, so it wasn’t much time up to he was turned to be insensitive, distant. He always needed love, asked for it screaming although he didn’t even make a sound. He always wanted to be surrounded by people, friends maybe, that could make him feel loved. But of course, there were sometimes that it wasn’t possible, so he was the one who tried to surround other people, trying not to feel just a piece of something filling space in the world.

Many times he needed to hear “I love you” more frequently, but apart from being unable to speak, he also became deaf. Quickly he became the saddest prince ever existed in that, or any other kingdom.

He felt so sad that also became blind. Gradually, he started to stop seeing the colours of the flowers, the green of the grass, and the blue sky above. Every single thing became grey, but it wasn’t that his life were grey at all, it was just that his little sad eyes, tired of crying, stopped seeing what the world had to show.

He was blind, deaf and unable to speak, and had also met Sadness and Cold. It is not difficult to realise why he actually died. He was fine, he was happy, At least, that was what he pretended to show other people. As soon as he met Sadness and Cold again, he couldn’t avoid feeling terribly alone and disgraceful.

That is why the prince decided to let himself die. But, he didn’t die as all the people, died in his own way. In fact it wasn’t the prince the one who died, but his soul. It is amazing what being sad can do. Little by little, the prince started to dry just like the leaves of the trees in autumn, the difference is that the leaves grow up again every spring...

un cuento que hice para un taller literario.

perdon si no me concto ni actualizo ni me paso x sus blogs, pero simplemente, quiero dejar de existir. perdon.

xq no puedo ser perfecto? :(

once upon a time, there was a little prince. He lived in a very big castle in his wonderful kingdom, with all the luxuries that you could ever imagine. But a day, He died. This would be the easiest way to tell the story, for sure, and if not the easiest one, at least the most romantic.

Sometimes, the most expressive words are those we don’t say and that was what killed the little prince. He wasn’t used to speak his mind, to let his feelings show, so it wasn’t much time up to he was turned to be insensitive, distant. He always needed love, asked for it screaming although he didn’t even make a sound. He always wanted to be surrounded by people, friends maybe, that could make him feel loved. But of course, there were sometimes that it wasn’t possible, so he was the one who tried to surround other people, trying not to feel just a piece of something filling space in the world.

Many times he needed to hear “I love you” more frequently, but apart from being unable to speak, he also became deaf. Quickly he became the saddest prince ever existed in that, or any other kingdom.

He felt so sad that also became blind. Gradually, he started to stop seeing the colours of the flowers, the green of the grass, and the blue sky above. Every single thing became grey, but it wasn’t that his life were grey at all, it was just that his little sad eyes, tired of crying, stopped seeing what the world had to show.

He was blind, deaf and unable to speak, and had also met Sadness and Cold. It is not difficult to realise why he actually died. He was fine, he was happy, At least, that was what he pretended to show other people. As soon as he met Sadness and Cold again, he couldn’t avoid feeling terribly alone and disgraceful.

That is why the prince decided to let himself die. But, he didn’t die as all the people, died in his own way. In fact it wasn’t the prince the one who died, but his soul. It is amazing what being sad can do. Little by little, the prince started to dry just like the leaves of the trees in autumn, the difference is that the leaves grow up again every spring...

13 comentarios:

Anagelicalmente dijo...

hola! como estas???
Bueno la verdad q desde q te agregue al msn no te conectaste ninguna vez :S, espero q me hayas aceptado. De todos modos en tu blog explicaste el x qué de tu ausencia.
Estaria bueno poder hablar con vos,y espero q dentro de poco se te pase este estado de querer desaparecer, no es q sea malo, sino que vos podes estar mejor.
Nose como venis con el tema del peso... estas bajando???
Bueno, cuando quieras y sobre todo a la tarde-noche(xq yo voy al cole d mañ) conectate! =)


El Principe de la dulce pena dijo...

Hola!! Que tal? Es la promra vez ue entro en tu blog. Mirando el blog encontre el tuyo. Yo tb soy principe. Bueno y solo conozco a princesas asi que estare encantado de que ablemos.

Bueno te pongo en mis link.

Fuera seguro que logras tus metas.

Porque todas las mujeres somos Princesas ♥ dijo...

Vaya que Historia!!
Lastima que asi es nuestra realidad
la tristeza nos consume
nos envuelve
nos va matando de a poco
Pero igual seguimos

нαииα dijo...

Ola, me enkuentro aqui komentanmdo tu blog porke me gusto :) espero puedas pasar al mio i sigamos!..

Magalí dijo...

me lei todo tu cuento no lei mas porque son como las 2 de la madrugada.
Yo tmb pase eso de morir por dewntro.
Cunado muere el alma.
Cuandote cuesta sentir.o sentis tanto dolor que te cosificas y no queres senti nada mas.
Pero yo le enconre solucion.
Me gustaria ayduarte :)
ycon respecto a ese comentario de porque no puedo ser perfecto que escribiste:
Nadie es perfecto sabes? nadie de nadie.
Todos tenesmo errores y mas ala de que las personas engas miles de cosas sean materiales o no materiales.
siempre les va a faltar algo.
Pero si se puede ser feliz muy feliz.
y se puede vivir con una razon de existir por la que luchas y te da fuerza de donde sea para poder estar bien y para poder ser feliz.
Lo mas importante son tus ganas de ser feliz y de ahi la iniciativa que tomes para poder serlo.
Yo creo que si uno se propone algo mas alla de las tormentas los rallos ynlo que sea.
siemrep vas a pdoer superarlo
por que la causa puede mucho mas que los obstaculos que se presenten.
La fuerza de adentro puede mas que los problemas de afuera.
Solo tenes qe descubir r el valor en vos. y lucahr por ello.
si queres habalr mi msn es :)
asi qe si queres agregame si?
besitos y suerte chee
subi el animo que

Unknown dijo...

hola donde estas??? postea algo un besito espero que estes bien

Vitanni dijo...




W W W . A N A Y M I A . K 2 5 . N E T

(No somos un foro pro ana y pro mia, en nuestro espacio Anas y Mias encuentran consejos, amistad, cariño y mucho apoyo. Si eres una wannabe, este no es tu foro)

.rumeur de lilas dijo...

sos el primer chico que conozco que está en esto también :) y sos de mi país. un placer conocerte, jovencito.

Dada dijo...

hola principe!!

me llamó la atencion tu historia ya que me identifique con ella... es impresionante como tu alma puede morir poco a poco, te vas sientiendo vacío, sin ganas de nada y lo peor de todo es que finjes estar bien y nadie lo nota... absolutamente nadie..

espero que estés muy bien, no te desanimes, TU PUEDES LOGRAR LA PERFECCION!!!

Nahuel dijo...

hola q tal como tas yo tambn soy anorexico de aca uruguay dejo mi blog hay un chat de anas "antonios" jeje y mias tambn algunas pabadas como un programita q calcula exacta las calorias q consumis x dia... bueno me voy llendo y valorenlo hay una encuesta abierta para eso bueno un abrazo

Unknown dijo...

hoooola oye donde andas ya pues es hora de regresar de tu onda lo digo en buen plan desapareciste y te he mandado mails a incluso una feliz navidad y tu nadaaaa donde estas???
te pasas por mi blog?? sii?

Vick dijo...

principe me gusto mucho lo que escribiste y de verdad me senti muy identificada. escribis muy bien sabias? :) de verdad me gusto y me pongo contenta de que alguien sienta lo mismo que yo.
yo tambien soy de argentina!! que bueno saber que hay principes cerca :). cualquier cosa despues dejame tu msn si?.
espero que estes perfecto principe.
besos y te sigo el blog ♥.

*An-Drea* dijo...

La vida y sus complicaciones, lo entiendo exactamente y mi cuestion es la Vida es una mierda o nosostros la volvemo asi? en fin dejame qe me dio por hablar pavadas, espero qe te valla bien en todo, cuidate
